Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Endless Month

Is it just me, or does January seem to last forever? I keep checking the calendar to see if it is over yet, but it doesn't seem to move. I used to think that March was the worst, but I am beginning to believe that January is going to get the record. I watch the weather channel and it does not seem to change -- "Bitterly cold, chance of snow, windy". This all comes from a suit in a warm studio in Syracuse, who apparently has no idea of what is going on up here. I am trying to get my income tax filed, but one concern which owes me a tax form tells me on their automated response system that my form is in the mail. Sounds like the old "your check is in the mail" deal. Oh well, 4 more days and then we will be into warm February. As I write this, there is apparently a winter storm scheduled here for Wednesday & Thursday, which may result in more plowing for me. I can assure you that my old Farmall tractor is not the warmest vehicle I have ever rode on. I have to wait for the temp to get up near 20 before it will even start.

My guess that Princess Caroline would be our next state senator was off just a tad - you can't win them all. The Gov is being lambasted by the press for not providing them with every minute detail of his selection process. They are obviously raising hell with him in case he tries to keep a secret in the future. What part of the appointment is solely his don't they understand? We know they want to know so they can second guess any appointment he makes because we all know that the media is infinitely smarter than us common slobs. The best show on earth is the Illinois governor who, despite their best efforts to impeach him, refuses to even show up for his trial. I think the guy is a crook but I have to admire his nerve. Absolutely nothing seems to deter this guy from doing exactly what he wants to.

We have a new jail in Canton and the prisoners will be moved in in the near future. I am amazed that this state of the art facility actually got built on time, and apparently within budget. It is a miracle. Our legislators will be lined up for hours trying to take complete credit for the project, and the individual complaints earlier on will, hopefully, be forgotten.

I see that some lady out west recently gave birth to 8 babies at the same time. The word we get is that she is going to breast feed them. There's a sight I would like to see. The best I can do is wish her good luck.

I will be getting out the seed catalogs in the near future and plan my garden for next year. If you have not noticed, the price of seeds is out of sight (well, almost), but a few bargains are still around. The best deals I can find are from Fedco Seeds in Maine. You can look them up on the internet if you want a catalog. They don't have everything I want so I will have to shop elsewhere for some stuff (and get stuck with multiple shipping costs). I put a snow fence around my raspberries last fall, because the deer ate them down to nothing the year before and - no Summer berries. The fall bearers came along OK. So far the fence has held up fairly well, and I see no deer tracks inside if it. Somehow the seed catalogs seem to reassure me that summer will get here eventually.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Yo, you think January is crawling along and I think it's moved by damn fast -- are we related? Thought so!!!

Thank goodness that mother of 8 is not in our family -- holy sheet.

Stay warm Bro, it's gonna snow like the dickens or so the "suit" claims.