Tuesday, December 23, 2008

All Hail the Queen

I have been following with great interest, but little surprise, the efforts being made to appoint Caroline Kennedy as the Senator to replace Hilary. When asked what her qualifications are, the response is "I am a Kennedy, duh". If this effort surprises anyone they must have been living on Mars for the past 30 or 40 years. What the rank and file have to understand is that the rich and powerful are different from us, and don't ask any questions. Now if you think that isn't enough, I have found (through one of my trash magazines) that Teddy Kennedy, who is terminally ill, has decided that his wife will be appointed to replace him when the time comes. This has caused quite an uproar in the Kennedy clan, because two or three other Kennedys decided that they would get the job. Teddy's wife was not, after all, born a Kennedy. I am not sure what is going on in this country. We have had the Bush regime - father and son, the Clinton regime - old mister unzipped fly and his gorgeous wife, and of course too many Kennedys to count. I was not particularly overwhelmed by the candidacy of Barack Obama, but he is looking better every day. For once, we may actually get an elected president, as opposed to a royal succession. Hillary is scheduled to be Secretary of State, however, and although she is quite a way down in the Presidential succession sweepstakes, I would strongly suggest that Barack watch his back. I can only hope that the American people will finally get enough and throw all those old bastards out.

On the local front, our St. Lawrence County Legislature is laboring mightily on several fronts. They are having a hell of a time selecting a new chairman and this issue is still very much up in the air. I would like to see Fitzrandolph in the job, but I think he has pissed off too many people to persevere. He has a habit of marching to his own drummer, which scares the power cabals on both sides of the aisle. The ethics hassel is still going full bore, and aside from its entertainment value doesn't amount to a hill of beans. The recent "secret" meeting broughhaha chaired by the County democratic chairman is quietly dying a natural death. It appears that they invited a local and horribly powerful newspaper editor, and even though he didn't attend, he was mollified enough to publicly state that nothing illegal was going on. You never know where your friends are in St. Lawrence County, although there is little problem identifying your enemies.

The home front is pretty calm (as calm as it gets just before Christmas). We will have our traditional family buffet, the cost of which I am directed to ignore, and everyone will have a good time. I am getting tired of plowing snow - not only is it a pain in the ass, but my farmall is not very well heated. I plowed a couple of days ago when it was 7 degrees, and todays plow-out was done is 22 degree weather - a heat wave of sorts. Enough for now, it is time to hit my easy chair and rest up for my nap.


Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL Christmas!! What were the politics of your youth?? :0)

Unknown said...

Good going Warren Dean, You are SO RIGHT ON !

Anonymous said...

Fearless Dave MUST appoint The Queen---otherwise, what would the Senate be without a Kennedy? As for local politics, it's just the SSDD

Megan said...

So what nobody has seen her since 1963?? She did write a children's book you know...AND a book about her family. Apparently she thought no one knows about the Kennedy's....